FOMO is becoming FOJI

It is a question that is on a lot of peoples’ minds: what is the predominant marine fuel(s) of the future going to be, and how can design risk be mitigated today? The race is on, the options are plentiful, but this is exactly the challenge Stonefort Marine are working on with one organisation who is looking to hedge their new build plans and future-proof their choice of design.


Today, no one pays for the emissions they produce, but the sentiment is this will change once a level playing field system is agreed, and ways of passing the cost on to the consumer is established. In the meantime, there is a danger of doing too little or nothing. If companies defer, older fleets will bring many other risks. A fear of joining in (FOJI) will only make meeting targets to reduce emissions even more difficult than they are today.


Blue chip ambitions


We know what you’re doing!