Gastech 2022

I was delighted to attend this year’s Gastech, in Milan, earlier this month. 

In the spirit of sharing, my top takeaways are: 

In general 

o   Face-to-face meetings still beat ‘video’ for building trust & getting deals done. 

o   In terms of future direction, most businesses know where they want to end up, but can be unsure or undecided on how to get there.

o   Lack of clarity on future regulation is a barrier to making decisions.

Gas & Hydrogen

o   General sentiment is that gas (in one form or another) must play a role should humankind wish to keep the lights on – and way (way) beyond ‘2050’. 

o   Hydrogen via Ammonia has a few prominent backers, despite the significant cost challenges. Green hydrogen at scale would likely displace grey hydrogen, but not LNG. 

o   Estimates vary considerably on supply side availability to meet requirements for elements such as copper, cobalt, nickel and lithium. Whether we like it or not, mining non-renewable natural resources (at least ones that take a very long time to re-form) will continue. 

o   Carbon off-setting (through trading) is key for Net Zero – but would benefit from unified regulation. 

Innovation & solutions  

o   There are system offerings that claim impressive efficiency gains. There are very few that can prove these savings – but they do exist and are attracting firm orders. Payback time is shorter than many assume.

o   Double digit % savings are possible through adopting more than one technology.

o   Every 1% of any type of fuel saving signifies much more in $ terms than it did not long ago – and it is forecast that this will only continue.

As always, we look forward to hearing contrasting views, opinions & reflections. For conversation, please feel free to reach out.

Stay safe, stonefort 


Smoke & mirrors


Capitalism or environment?