Net means Net

In June 2021 we blogged about ammonia and green methanol being prominent candidates to displace traditional fossil-based fuels. Fast forward eight months and there is seldom an industry news headline that doesn’t touch on the race for carbon neutrality. Both of these alternatives are attracting more interest and investment.

Although we are way short of the estimated 60% of rich world GDP required to fully transition (to net zero), some industry heavyweights have started to put their money where their mouths are. This should be applauded. As always, the devil is in the detail – production of any kind of fuel will create a carbon footprint; whether this be from farming vegetation for biofuels or building wind farms to power methanol reactors. Irrespective of the preferred choice of fuel, off-setting must play the balancing role.

Stonefort are engaged in many aspects of this sub-industry. In addition to helping companies decide which voyage management system or additional hardware will be best for them to reduce emissions, we are: advising on a project seeking to build new supply chains that could give industry participants dependable access to high quality marine-based credits (with price certainty); and, in the verification space, we are collaborating with a true independent that will stand up to the highest level of investor scrutiny.

For practical advice on how you can risk manage your own plans, please do not hesitate to get in touch – achieving a true net-zero outcome will be a combined industry effort.


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The year ahead