There is safety in numbers

The mathematical biologist W.D. Hamilton proposed his selfish herd theory in 1971 to explain why animals seek central positions in a group. Fast forward 50 years, and this theory still holds true – especially when it comes to compliance & our shipping industry.

In the last week alone, Stonefort Marine have been engaged with 2 large energy companies - both with a common concern: how to best assure compliance, and, simultaneously, do this efficiently enough so as not to miss commercial opportunities. Let’s face it – the ability to get ‘comfortable’ with a counterparty quickly = commercial efficiency. Likewise, the stakes are very high for getting it wrong. Like it or not, agree or disagree, the accountability for knowing your counterparty sits with business.

The compliance landscape is becoming more and more complex. The use of sanctions is a global political tool that isn’t going to go away anytime soon. And whilst sanctions are in place, companies need to be wise that some will work hard to find a way around. Thankfully, technology is moving faster than ever - and it is now possible to manage these issues smartly. Through Stonefort's work with the world’s leading AI company in this space, we are helping bring similarly concerned organisations together and, further, prove Mr Hamilton’s theory: there is safety in numbers.

For more information, or an informal chat, do not hesitate to get in touch.


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